Wednesday, January 11, 2012


2011 had just leave us behind with lots of memories.
Ups and downs in life and career.
Thank God, for given me another chance to live and fill the life with good things.

And as for 2012, here's the new beginning of being me.
There will be so many plans to execute, God will!
Furthering studies.
Restructuring my career development. 
Applying for promotion, AGAIN!
Put on a shape.
And most of all, settle down to Alice the Vampire.

In short, the year of 2012 is going to be another busy hectic year of me in order to survive well ahead.

# short refreshment with marlboro light while blogging..

1 comment:

Alice in Wonderland said...

I'm just sooo glad my Jasper is back!!!!!!!!!! PUUURRRRRRRR............... >;)